Bachelor in Sustainable Development and CSR

The Bachelor in Sustainable Development and CSR will open soon. However, you can still express your interest in training at our school by registering.

Our training courses are accredited by the French government and listed in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles, which attests to their quality. The Hecten school is also Qualiopi-certified, ensuring a high standard of teaching. Our trainers are state-certified or come from the professional world with extensive experience, guaranteeing a comprehensive learning experience combining theory and practice. By choosing our programs, learners benefit from recognized training supervised by qualified experts.

Our Bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) offers high-quality training, recognized by the French government and listed in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles. This accreditation validates the rigor of our program and its alignment with national educational standards, guaranteeing solid, relevant training in the constantly evolving field of sustainable development and CSR.

Hecten is also proud to be Qualiopi certified, a testament to our commitment to pedagogical excellence and student satisfaction. This exacting certification stimulates our continuous quest for improvement and quality, guaranteeing a first-rate education.

What makes our Bachelor’s unique is the exceptional skills of our trainers. Our teaching teams bring together experts from two complementary worlds: the academic world and the professional sector of sustainable development and CSR. Teachers from the academy contribute their solid pedagogical expertise, ensuring that knowledge is passed on effectively.

What’s more, our professional trainers enrich our programs with their current practical experience. Their practical knowledge provides tangible examples, real-life case studies and a contemporary perspective on trends and challenges in the field. This unique combination of skills guarantees our students a solid theoretical foundation and a practical understanding of the professional environment.

By opting for our Bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Development and CSR, you are choosing a complete educational pathway, supported by the French government authorities, validated by professional certifications and qualified by Qualiopi. What’s more, you’ll benefit from the diverse expertise of our trainers, who will help you develop the essential skills to excel in this crucial area of corporate sustainability and social responsibility.

Training at a glance