BTS CIEL IR – Cybersecurity option Computer science and networks

This program will provide you with specialized expertise as a BTS CIEL IR – Cybersecurity, Computers and Networks, Electronics option Computers and Networks. You’ll develop cutting-edge skills in cybersecurity, IT and networks, and electronics applied to IT systems. You’ll be able to design, implement and secure complex technological solutions. Thanks to your training, you’ll be able to meet the challenges of cybersecurity, network and IT systems management, and the integration of electronics in IT environments.

BTS SIO SLAM – Application Developer

This program will provide you with in-depth knowledge of application development as a BTS SIO SLAM – Application Developer. You’ll be able to design and create functional, high-performance software applications, using a variety of programming languages, tools and development techniques. Thanks to your training, you’ll develop the skills needed to meet the specific needs of customers and users, while guaranteeing the quality and efficiency of your applications.

BTS SIO SISR – Network and systems administrator

This program will give you in-depth expertise as a BTS SIO SISR – Network and Systems Administrator. You’ll develop essential skills in the management, maintenance and security of networks and IT systems. You’ll be able to configure and supervise network infrastructures, keep IT systems running smoothly and apply security measures to protect data and resources. Thanks to your training, you’ll be able to meet the complex challenges of managing IT within organizations.

Bac+5 Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence

This 5-year degree program offers you in-depth expertise in cybersecurity, enriched by advanced skills in artificial intelligence. It aims to train professionals capable of designing, implementing and managing state-of-the-art security solutions to protect IT systems and sensitive data. You’ll master not only threat detection and attack prevention techniques, but also machine learning and data analysis methods to anticipate and counter emerging threats.

Bac+5 Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

This Bac+5 program builds on a solid foundation in software development to propel you towards advanced expertise in software engineering and artificial intelligence. Designed for professionals and students looking to become experts in these interconnected fields, this program will enable you to master the most advanced techniques in software development, data analysis and machine learning.

Bachelor in Interactive Design and User Experience UX/UI

This program will immerse you in the exciting field of interactive design and user experience (UX/UI) as a Bachelor in Interactive Design and UX/UI User Experience. You’ll develop comprehensive expertise in creating user-friendly, engaging interfaces for web and mobile applications. You’ll acquire skills in visual design, information architecture, user interface design and usability testing. Thanks to your training, you’ll be able to design engaging user experiences centered on user needs and expectations, and create fluid interfaces that optimize interaction between users and technologies, opening up exciting opportunities in the constantly evolving field of interactive design and UX/UI.