Bachelor in Interactive Design and User Experience UX/UI


The Bachelor in Interactive Design and User Experience UX/UI will open soon. However, you can still express your interest in training at our school by registering.

Our training courses are accredited by the French government and listed in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles, which attests to their quality. The Hecten school is also Qualiopi-certified, ensuring a high standard of teaching. Our trainers are state-certified or come from the professional world with extensive experience, guaranteeing a comprehensive learning experience combining theory and practice. By choosing our programs, learners benefit from recognized training supervised by qualified experts.

Our Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Design and User Experience (UX/UI) offers top-quality training recognized by the French state and registered in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles. This accreditation confirms the rigor of our program and its alignment with national educational standards, ensuring robust and relevant training.

Hecten is also proudly Qualiopi certified, guaranteeing our commitment to educational excellence and student satisfaction. This demanding certification stimulates our constant quest for improvement and quality, in order to provide a first-class education.

One of the distinguishing features of our Bachelor’s program is the exceptional competence of our trainers. Our teaching teams rely on experts from two complementary spheres: national education and the professional world. Teachers from the French national education system contribute their proven pedagogical expertise, ensuring that knowledge is passed on effectively.

What’s more, our professional trainers enrich our programs with their current practical experience. Their knowledge of the field enriches our courses with concrete examples, real-life case studies and a contemporary perspective on trends and challenges in the field. This unique synergy of skills ensures that our students acquire a solid theoretical foundation coupled with a practical understanding of the professional environment.

By opting for our Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Design and User Experience (UX/UI), you are choosing a complete educational path, supported by the French state, validated by professional certifications and qualified by Qualiopi. What’s more, you’ll benefit from the wide-ranging expertise of our trainers, who will help you develop the skills you need to excel in this constantly evolving field.


Further studies

Towards which professions

The income of a graduate in Interactive Design and User Experience (UX/UI) varies according to several factors, including experience, training and employer. On average, a recent Interactive Design and UX/UI graduate can expect a starting salary of between €28,000 and €33,000 gross per year.

As you gain experience, you’ll have the opportunity to move into more advanced and better-paid positions. For example, an experienced UX/UI designer can earn up to €45,000 gross per year, an interface design specialist for mobile applications can get up to €50,000 gross per year, and a recognized UX/UI design director can reach up to €60,000 gross per year.

The Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Design and User Experience (UX/UI) opens up a wide range of professional prospects in the rapidly expanding field of user experience. With determination and high ambitions, it’s entirely possible to achieve high levels of remuneration and progress up the career ladder.

If you’re passionate about creating user-friendly and engaging experiences, and aspire to become an expert in this essential field, the Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Design and User Experience (UX/UI) is a strategic choice to start a rewarding and financially promising career.

Terms and conditions

Frequently asked questions

Opening in 2026 with priority given to Hecten students BTS class 2026

Our courses are given face-to-face on our premises, but some can also be taken remotely via the Google Meet platform. The sessions are recorded and available to students who cannot attend live. Our trainers are highly committed to student success and regularly ask questions to check understanding.

The prerequisites for enrolment in the Bachelor’s program are :

  • Bac+2 or equivalent in the IT field
  • Good knowledge of mathematics, physics and technology
  • Good command of English
  • Motivation and curiosity about computers

The course can be followed in two different ways.

  • Apprentices alternate between one week of classes at the training center and two to three weeks of internships at the company.
  • In conjunction with a company, it is possible to take the course online one evening a week and on Saturdays. Exams are held face-to-face.

The cost of training varies according to the pace of the course.

  • Under the work-study program, tuition fees are paid by the host company.

Graduates of a Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Design and UX/UI have a very high professional integration rate. Indeed, the skills acquired in this Bachelor’s degree are highly sought-after by companies, particularly in the digital, communication and marketing fields.

According to a study carried out by MisterTemp’, the professional integration rate for graduates of a Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Design and User Experience UX/UI is 90%. This means that 90% of Bachelor’s graduates find a job within six months of graduating.

There are many advantages to studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a private school without a contract:

  • Quality teaching by experienced trainers
  • Personalized support for students
  • A network of partner companies
  • Career opportunities on graduation

Training at a glance