
HECTEN offers a variety of training paths, tailored to the needs of each individual. Whether you’re looking for an apprenticeship, initial training or continuing education experience, our school offers a variety of options to support your professional development. It’s also important to note that our apprenticeship training can be taken face-to-face or remotely, giving you the flexibility you need to reconcile your studies with your professional or personal life.

BTS Accounting and Management of Organizations

This program will immerse you in the captivating world of accounting and organization management as a BTS Comptabilité et Gestion des Organisations. You will develop comprehensive expertise in bookkeeping, financial management, taxation and economic analysis. You will acquire skills in processing accounting operations, drawing up budgets, managing financial resources and advising companies. Thanks to your training, you will be able to contribute effectively to the financial and administrative management of organizations, providing valuable information for decision-making and the sustainability of economic activities. This training will open up exciting opportunities in the constantly evolving field of accounting and management, where public accounting plays a key role in the success of organizations.