Ranking of the best Computer Science schools


1. Introduction

More than ever, IT is one of the most attractive sectors on the job market. Thanks to the progress of digitization and the emergence of cutting-edge technologies, IT continues to amaze with its dynamism.

In the USA, the number of students enrolled in computer science programs has grown spectacularly over the last ten years, recording a remarkable increase of +130% (Source: L’Express). This represents the biggest increase of all the specializations taught. The COVID-19 pandemic also contributed to a significant increase in referrals to this sector.

In France, 154,300 students were enrolled in engineering programs at the start of the 2020 academic year, representing an annual increase of 2.5% and 19.5% over five years. In addition, the number of engineers is estimated to reach 1,191,000 by the end of 2021, an increase of around +3% in one year.

So it’s hardly surprising that students are increasingly interested in computer science schools after high school, given the multitude of career prospects on offer. Many students are keen to find out which organizations best meet their criteria, so they can make the best possible choice for their next school year.

This post-bac orientation is of strategic importance for several reasons:

  • the quality of their student life,
  • opportunities for professionalization during the curriculum,
  • international openness,
  • their employability when they leave school,
  • the salary levels to which they will be entitled.

In this article, we present a ranking of computer science schools, encompassing various levels of training such as bachelor’s and master’s degrees. These courses, provided by universities as well as private schools and institutions specializing in cybersecurity, will be analyzed to provide a comprehensive overview of the educational landscape in the IT field.”

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2. Why choose IT?

  1. There are many reasons why IT studies and careers are a good choice for high school students looking for a career after the baccalauréat.


    1. A versatile field :

    IT and digital are cross-functional sectors that can be integrated into all existing business areas, and most likely into those to come. The growing role of digital technology in all aspects of society promises opportunities in a variety of sectors. Companies, craftsmen, freelancers and associations are increasingly calling on the skills of IT professionals such as technicians, engineers, programmers, coders, designers, developers, data analysts and IT maintainers, whatever their field of activity.


    A career in IT means becoming a key player on the job market, with skills that are in demand in all sectors.


    We advise you to choose one of the best computer science schools in France to ensure quality training.

    2. Diversity and flexibility of professional opportunities :

    Another reason why the IT sector is particularly attractive is that you can work anywhere, at any time, with remarkable flexibility. Whether working in an office, freelance, face-to-face or remotely, IT professionals have a multitude of options. They can choose to be salaried or self-employed, work directly with customers or prefer to collaborate remotely.


    What’s more, IT codes are virtually universal, enabling professionals to work in a variety of cultures and countries. This mobility offers exceptional freedom, enabling IT players to be forerunners in regions where the sector is still emerging.


    3. Attractive remuneration :

    As a key, cross-disciplinary field, IT offers attractive remuneration packages. The various sectors are obliged to offer attractive salaries to attract and retain IT professionals. However, to guarantee a competitive salary, it is essential to train at the best computer schools.


       What’s more, the average salary for an IT specialist in France starts at €35,000 net/year. However, this sum can increase considerably if the professional specializes, keeps abreast of new trends and masters advanced skills. The choice of freelance or independent work also offers interesting financial prospects, depending on the specialization, services and customers.

3. Why go to an IT school?

Opting for training at an IT school has a number of advantages for those aspiring to a career in the IT field:

  1. Quality training: For the most part, tech schools deliver high-quality training programs, providing the skills and knowledge essential to thrive in the IT industry. The teachers, often seasoned experts, keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies in IT.
  1. Specialization options: Computer science schools frequently offer specialized programs in areas such as IT security, artificial intelligence, web development or networking. Students can thus choose a field aligned with their interests and skills, enabling them to acquire specific expertise.
  1. Transferable skills: The skills acquired at an IT school are often transferable to other fields, such as finance, healthcare or marketing. This versatility provides students with transferable skills that prove useful in a variety of sectors.
  1. Career opportunities: By joining an IT school, students can access professional opportunities such as internships, work-study contracts and even jobs on completion of their studies. IT schools generally have strong relationships with companies in the sector, making it easier to enter the job market.
  1. Professional network: By joining an IT school, students have the opportunity to meet other students and professionals in the sector, fostering the creation of a professional network beneficial to their future careers.

In short, joining an IT school can bring many advantages, both professionally and personally. This enables students to acquire solid skills in a constantly evolving field, while giving them the opportunity to build a professional network that will be invaluable for their future.

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4. How to choose your future school?

It’s clear that the post-baccalaureate route into IT offers a wide range of possibilities and guarantees many opportunities in the competitive job market. To succeed in this path, it’s crucial to make an informed choice about which IT school to attend. This choice will largely depend on the aspirations of the students concerned. In France, there are hundreds of private and public computer schools, offering a multitude of options which, at first glance, can make the decision-making process complex.

However, there are various methodical approaches to carefully selecting the computer science school that best suits the orientation of the new bachelor. The best way to do this is to clearly identify the job you want to do, so that you can then contact the establishments offering the necessary training. Alternatively, interested students can also highlight the specific branch of IT they’re passionate about, be it web development, maintenance or the cloud. They can then filter through computer schools specializing in these fields. Computer science school rankings are very useful in this process, making it easier to find the ideal school.

Finally, to refine their analysis and make an informed decision, students can take advantage of the media, the specialized press, blogs and dedicated websites such as Studyrama or L’Étudiant. These resources provide detailed information on existing computer schools, their programs, teachers and alumni feedback. The rankings and assessments available on these platforms offer an external, objective perspective, making it easier to compare different institutions. Consulting these sources enables prospective students to familiarize themselves with the reputation, strengths and weaknesses of each school, and helps them to make informed decisions tailored to their career aspirations. By combining these various approaches, students can refine their search and choose the computer science school that best matches their academic and professional goals.

5. Consult and understand school rankings

School and training center rankings, abundantly present online, all have the common aim of helping students in their decision to enter a particular field of study, and the IT sector is no exception. Every year, various online media publish rankings based on a number of criteria, such as academic excellence and professional integration rates.

Over the years, these rankings have become essential references for applicants and students wishing to enter the IT field. Although there are no official rankings, these assessments can sometimes be subjective. However, they are based on common foundations such as CTI and CDEFI data, which assess student recruitment, research, the average salary of graduates, and the international position of the IT school. Some media also conduct surveys of establishments to enrich the rankings.

The rankings thus reflect the quality of training and the overall performance of an IT school compared with other establishments offering similar courses. However, it is important to emphasize that these rankings should not be the sole criterion for making a decision. They serve as global quality indicators, offering students an alternative to an exhaustive comparison of schools.

It is essential to note that lower-ranked computer science schools are not necessarily of lower quality. The rankings involve a degree of subjectivity on the part of the editorial teams of the media concerned. Despite this, these rankings remain useful tools and can guide students in their choice of the ideal school.

Grading criteria

IT school rankings are generally based on a number of criteria designed to assess the overall quality of the school and the relevance of its IT training. Here are some of the main criteria often taken into account in these rankings:

  1. Academic excellence:Quality assessment of academic programs, curricula and teaching methods is an essential criterion. This includes the recognition of diplomas, the presence of qualified and experienced teachers, and the relevance of teaching content.
  2. Professional integration rate: The success of graduates in the job market is a crucial indicator. The rankings take into account the percentage of students who find a job in their field of study within a given time after graduation.
  3. Proximity to the professional world: Schools with strong partnerships with companies, offering internships and work-study opportunities, and facilitating meetings with industry professionals, are generally rated highly.
  4. Research and innovation: The school’s contribution to IT research, the presence of research laboratories, the publication of scientific articles and participation in innovative projects all influence its position in the rankings.
  5. Internationalization: The school’s ability to offer academic exchange opportunities and international programs, and to attract foreign students and teachers, contributes to its worldwide reputation.
  6. Student satisfaction: The opinions of current and former students, gathered through satisfaction surveys, feedback and evaluations of the quality of teaching, infrastructure and services, are also taken into consideration.
  7. Infrastructure and equipment: The condition of the premises, the availability of computer equipment, technology labs and online resources are all evaluated to determine the quality of study conditions.
  8. Reputation and awareness: The perception of the school by industry players, companies, IT professionals and other educational establishments can influence its ranking.

It’s important to note that the exact methodology of the rankings can vary from one medium to another. Some may place more importance on certain criteria than others. Students should therefore consider several rankings and, above all, examine the specific criteria that best match their objectives and priorities.

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6. Ranking of Engineering Schools and Schools specializing in Computer and Digital Science - Post-Bac 2023 (by Eduniversal)

  1. Efrei Paris Panthéon Assas University
  2. CPE Lyon
  3. EPITA, engineering school
  4. ESIA
  5. HETIC
  6. EPITECH Technology
  7. ISEP
  8. 3iL engineers
  9. ESGI – Graduate School of Computer Engineering
  10. Institut Sup galilée – Sorbonne Paris Nord University
  11. Intech
  12. Web School Factory
  13. Grenoble INP
  14. Supinfo
  15. ESAIP the room

Studying at HECTEN Business School

HECTEN is a school specializing in IT and digital technology, offering a tailored response to a wide range of IT-related educational needs. From post-baccalaureate to bac+5 level, HECTEN is a great choice for continuing your studies after high school, for several reasons:

– An IT school geared towards professional integration, offering quality training provided by recognized experts and programs aligned with market requirements.

– A practical, hands-on approach to learning: get involved in real-life projects with our partners.

– The possibility of carrying out work-study programs right from the start of your studies, with the company financing your studies.

– Personalized support: benefit from individual follow-up with each teacher, in an environment conducive to your academic success.